William Molinuex
William Moxlinuex played part with the sons of liberty
William Moxlinuex was in the boston massacre
Played in boston tea party
William organized protests
William Molinuex
William Moxlinuex became a spokesmen of the liberty sons
Patriots wanted William Molinuex to lead streets
Fought in blore health war
William Molinuex died
The Thatagirl Inform
Today I’m going to inform you About the book Thatagirl. Well Thatagirl is a Historical Fiction story, that means that some of the the story is true and some of it is false. So one informal part of the story was that Jackie Mitchel was the first girl that played baseball, and one other one is The Great Depression had hit all of Tennesse. But one more informal fact was that some people really didn’t think that a girl would play baseball. But Jackie Mitchell proved that any girl of any kind could play baseball. So some little parts of the story are true, but just so you remember this is Historical Fiction. I hope you got a good idea of the information that I gave you.
Finding Martin Luther King
Bad Taxes
On January 21, 2015 we were forced to pay taxes it was bad. Also some people didn’t have to pay, that was not fair. For example who ever had brown hair had to pay, and if they had jeans we had to pay too. The coast of the taxes went up 1 though 4 the coast was to high. Finally, if you ran out of money you didn’t have a house or that much food to eat and that much water to drink. So I hope that taxes would go down some day.
My First Birthday in Orlando Florida of 2014
It was July 8, 2014 5 days until my birthday. And I was ready to go on my first Orlando Florida trip to go to Disney World, and Seaworld 4 days later. When I got there I got to stay in the Disney World Hotel. It was really pretty inside the hotel they had an orcastra, Disney charcters, and princess. There was also a lake outside so you could see the Disney Castle. It was pretty at night, and it glowed like stars. Finally, it was time to go to bed and tommorrw would be a great day. When I woke up it was July 13 my 10 year old birthday. It was time to get on the train, we went above the lake, and across the parking lot then we got there. And went on the Seven D Mine Train, and some other rides too. Finally, I went to see Minnie, and Mickey and the other charcters . I had a fun time at Disney World. And my goal this year is to go there again.
My chatter pix
The drawing
The Mexican Hat
The Mexican Hat’s scientific name is Ratibida columnaris , and its scientific classification is Asteraceae.The flower gross all over Texas. Did you know that the Mexican Hat is gross two though three feet high.,it blooms in June though September,it gross in prairies, road sides, and slopes,and it weights 1,230,000 seeds per pound. an interintesting fact is that it gross all over the United States. So thats what the Mexican Hat is about.